2024 November Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Sometimes these newsletters flow easily, but this month the right focus has been elusive. This seems to reflect the internal seesaw of hope and concern that permeated much of October.

Major transitions in the heavens are reflecting back to us on earth as Pluto makes its final ingress into Aquarius (November 19 and then for 20 years.) It is my hope that the heaviness of the last 15 years (since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008) will finally lift; and the glimpses of light and airiness we experienced earlier this year, will stay and add buoyancy to all of our efforts.

While the last bits of heaviness are still with us, we can reflect on the many opportunities these past 15 years have provided to face our fears, to trim down to essentials, to really choose what is important to us. This hasn’t always been easy… We’ve all been affected by the atmosphere of fear, anger, isolation and negativity that swirled around us. A challenge has been to stay connected with our original nature of kindness in spite of the triggers.

Many of us are bearers of light. In this capacity, we have the potential, or even the responsibility, to stay present and bring a different, more positive frequency to our homes, our families, our communities. We can do this by focusing on our personal practices of meditation, prayer, Qigong, Tai Chi, communion with nature, or whatever it is that we do that brings us into that quiet internal awareness that further refines our individual frequency.

I love the idea that we are each at the center of our own web of relationships: relationships with our lineages of ancestors, parents, siblings, children, teachers, students, church, temple, community, city, country, world. When we do the practices that refine our frequency, our node in the web rises, and as we rise, we pull up the surrounding web and all of the fibers that stretch out from our center and connect to all of those around us.

This is one reason our personal practice is so important. The more we do our work, the more we support everyone in our web and strengthen our ability and everyone on our web’s ability to be present and to recognize our similarities rather than our differences. Indeed, we each of us have that shard of the divine spirit in our hearts, that original nature of kindness, and we each are sharing in this human experience.

With deepest gratitude for you, for this life, for the many opportunities of every day, I wish you the very best November and a most Happy Thanksgiving!

Peace, Joy and Love,



 Seasonal Health

November 1st is the first day of lunar month 10, which marks the beginning of winter.

With winter our energy moves inward. We naturally want to sleep more, we are supported by more internal practices and meditation. It is healthier to turn the temperature down at night and allow the body to experience cold. Our food shifts to seasonal, slow cooked, warming foods that nourish at a deeper level.


Brussels Sprouts with Chestnuts

A family Thanksgiving favorite. With easy access to prepared chestnuts these days, the preparation of this recipe is so much easier than it used to be.

  • 2 quarts fresh Brussels sprouts
  • 1/2 lb fresh chestnuts OR  1 1/2 cups prepared chestnuts
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 4 T butter

– To prepare fresh chestnuts, score shells with a sharp knife, and cook in boiling water for 15 minutes.Remove the shells and skin and slice.  Prepared chestnuts just need to be sliced.
– Prepare and cook the Brussels sprouts in the usual way. (trim, boil or steam, etc.) They should be just barely done.
– Drain sprouts, season with salt and pepper and toss with 2 T of butter.
– Lightly saute the chestnuts in the other 2 T of butter.
– Combine sprouts and chestnuts.
Makes 8 servings.

Planning Your Wellness Budget

As you plan your wellness budget for 2025, please be aware that Wild Peace will be adjusting prices to be in alignment with the times. Details will be posted later this month.

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