Guidelines for Online Classes

I look forward to your participation in my online classes!

  • You may find it useful to print out and familiarize yourself with the Simplified Energetic Anatomy. I refer to aspects of the energy body in many of the Qi Gong classes. We “super power” the movements when we can visualize (at first) and feel (later) the movement of Qi in the body.
  • I generally open the zoom classes 5-10 minutes ahead of class start time and start and end within the scheduled time frame.
  • If you have questions, you can signal me or put a message in the chat and I will do my best to answer. I am also available by text or email.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing that gives you freedom of movement.
  • If at all possible, please keep your camera turned on so that I can provide guidance and corrections.

Some notes for online video “etiquette”…

  • Please set your camera/”stage” before you join the meeting. It is very distracting for other students and the instructor if you are walking around, fiddling with the image, placing the camera, etc. once you have joined a meeting. Instructions for how to Preview your video before entering the meeting are available here:
  • If you have a ceiling fan turned on during the meeting, please adjust your camera angle so that the fan is not on-screen, or at most occupies a tiny portion of the screen.

Thank you so much for your consideration!!

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