Bruce and Karen’s Annual Rumi Fest

Whirling Dervish, source: Wikimedia Commons

When: Sunday December 15th

Host: Bruce Miller

The events of the day:
10a – 1p: Beginner’s Workshop followed by Lunch
6pm: Return to the studio for walk through
7pm: The Event

Cost: Suggested donation $35. Includes lunch. (donations most appreciated…)

Register here for address and details…

For all you meditators, you’re only getting a half dose. Engaging the entire body from toes to fingertips in sync with the procession of the heavens adds a “je ne sais quoi quality” to your human experience.

For those of you wondering why a good Jewish boy would be consorting with Sufism: Like a spiritual Forest Gump, in 1975, I (Bruce) fell down a rabbit hole, and soon was working to bring the path of Rumi to the West — this was before Coleman Barks heard of this Rumi fellow. We were young. Soon, we were staging the Turn of the Whirling Dervishes on major stages. John Denver performed at one.

Rumi’s path of unconditional love was baked into my being, for which I am ever grateful. I’m happy to share — with a bit of Chicago irreverence thrown in for good measure.

And for those of you with an inner eye, I will be sneaking in a bit of Bruce-ism. Rumi was more about “the creative impulse” than turning round and round.

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