Qigong Practice Times

Students are frequently asking what is the best time of day for practicing Qigong. The truth is, it depends on the form.The general rule of thumb is to respect the natural rhythm of the body and the day. We don’t do invigorating Qigong within 2 hours of bedtime as it can prevent us from sleeping. We warm the body up before we do stretching. We listen to our body and adapt to its needs.

The table below provides some guidance on timing your practice but is by no means an exhaustive list.

Time Form
5-7am Dao Yin
Hard Qi Gong
8 Pieces Brocade
8 Healing Sounds
Tai Chi Qi Gong 18 part 1
Tai Chi Qi Gong 18 part 2
Bone Stretching
Tai Ji
7-9 am Shen Dian (Spirit Brightening) Qi Gong
Yang Sheng (Nourishing Life) Qi Gong
Midday (11-1) Meditation
afternoon Tai Yi Wu Xing (Five Element) Qi Gong
Walking Crane
Tai Ji
Evening Yang Sheng
Primordial 2
Primordial 3
After 9pm More meditative practices
Primordial 3
Advanced styles such as sleeping postures


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