
Self-scanning is a great health maintenance practice. It balances the energy in the body and helps to remove blockages and smooth the Qi pathways. It is best done early morning and/or in the evening before sleeping.

  1. Lay on your back with your hands at your sides, palms down and hands open.  Beginning at the top of the head, inhale and then, slowly exhaling as you go, begin to scan down the body as if you were doing a cat scan, going down layer by layer and then exiting out the bottom of the feet.  Pause whenver you need to inhale as you go down.  It may take 3-5 breaths to complete a scan.  Begin by repeating 3 times.  Over time you can build up to 18 scans.
  2. Place the palms at the sides of the belly just inside the hip bones (where the ovaries are/would be.)  Visualize qi (energy) coming in through the top of the head to the heart (on the inhale) and then down the arms and out the palms showering into the belly (on the exhale).  Repeat for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Place both hands, palm over palm, over the lower Dan Tian – 1-2 inches below the belly button.  Males place the left hand underneath, females right hand underneath.  Visualize the qi coming in the top of the head, to the heart on the inhale, and then on the exhale, down the arms to the palms and into the belly, the lower Dan Tian. Repeat 3-5 minutes.
  4. If you have an area that needs TLC place your hands over or around the area.  Inhale Qi to the heart and exhale out the palms to radiate the area that needs attention. Be comfortable as you do the exercise and just visualize the flow happening.  Repeat 3-5 minutes radiating the area with Qi.
  5. Closing – bring the palms back over the belly, rub three times in one direction and then 3 the other direction.  Rub your palms together until they are hot – then dry wash the face and head 3 times.

You may experience heat, tingling, cool feelings, and more.  It is all okay – just continue and stay with the exercise.  Repeat 1-2 times daily or more if you want.

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